Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Blogs and Attention Seeking Bloggers :: Internet

Blogs and Attention Seeking BloggersWeb logs atomic number 18 one and only(a) of the newest things popping up on the Internet. What is a web log? one may ask. Well, a web log, otherwise known as blog, is a place on the web where a person can go to write down anything that they feel like writing in an archive that they have created. Its a personal site almost like a diary, but its affix where anybody can gain access. Wondering why somebody would want to put their lives online made me think that bloggers are just seeking some kind of attention. I looked into this to see what attention they are looking for and discovered many things. Not all blogs seek attention, but some do. It all depends on which kind of blog the person created. The first thing about blogs that I discovered is that there isnt one kind. A theory about the kinds of blogs that there are came from one of my classmates Adam who said that there were really three types of blogs. Adam puts blogs into three categories Adv ertisement and non-personal informative, Personal, and The Hybrid. I also read an article by John C. Dvorak, a writer for PC Magazine. In his article, The Blog Phenomenon Dvorak classifies bloggers into five categories Ego gratification, Antidepersonalization, Elimination of frustration, Societal need to share, and Wanna-be writers. From this I realized that there must be varied types of bloggers and they arent all the same. Adams theory and Dvoraks article interested me enough to take a closer look at what blogs are all about. As I looked and thought about it there werent only three kinds of blogs, there seems to be more like a million. accordingly as I was looking I asked myself, Are bloggers looking for some kind of attention, and if so, what attention are they seeking and from whom To begin my research I started observe a blog that I randomly chose. My first instinct was that bloggers are teenage kids looking for a way to tell their boyfriend of girlfriend how very much they loved them and that they couldn?t live with out them. Then when I started observing the blog We Are Full of Shit,I noticed that Jeremy Olson who started this blog took news articles and verbalized his feelings about them. His blog was about sharing his point of view with the world, and sometimes it gave surprising reactions.

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